Rubber tracks on excavators are an essential component for providing the mobility and traction needed in various terrains. However, there are situations where these tracks might disengage or ‘come off the rails,’ so to speak. This disengagement can halt operations and cause significant downtime. Here are the factors that could lead to such an occurrence:
Incorrect Tension:
Rubber tracks operate under tension. If the tension is incorrect – too tight or too loose – it can cause problems. Over-tightened tracks put excessive stress on the track’s internal components and can snap. Under-tensioned tracks are loose, can wobble, and slip off. Maintaining the right tension is like tuning a guitar string; it needs to be just right.
Rubber tracks operate under tension. If the tension is incorrect – too tight or too loose – it can cause problems. Over-tightened tracks put excessive stress on the track’s internal components and can snap. Under-tensioned tracks are loose, can wobble, and slip off. Maintaining the right tension is like tuning a guitar string; it needs to be just right.
Wear and Tear:
Like any part on a heavy machine, rubber tracks wear down. Continuous usage, especially on abrasive surfaces like gravel, can wear the tracks thin, reducing their grip and making them prone to slipping off the guide wheels. Think of it like the tires on a car; after certain mileage, they need replacing.
Like any part on a heavy machine, rubber tracks wear down. Continuous usage, especially on abrasive surfaces like gravel, can wear the tracks thin, reducing their grip and making them prone to slipping off the guide wheels. Think of it like the tires on a car; after certain mileage, they need replacing.
Poor Alignment and Balancing:
Tracks need to align with the rollers and sprockets that drive them. If these are out of alignment, the track could veer off course and detach. Picture a train where one wheel isn’t correctly placed on the track; there’s a high chance of derailment.
Tracks need to align with the rollers and sprockets that drive them. If these are out of alignment, the track could veer off course and detach. Picture a train where one wheel isn’t correctly placed on the track; there’s a high chance of derailment.
Debris and Obstruction:
If debris like stones, mud, or construction material gets wedged within the track assembly, it can force the track off its intended path. It’s like running with a stone in your shoe; eventually, you’re going to have to stop and remove it.
If debris like stones, mud, or construction material gets wedged within the track assembly, it can force the track off its intended path. It’s like running with a stone in your shoe; eventually, you’re going to have to stop and remove it.
Operator Technique:
The way an excavator is operated impacts the tracks’ integrity. Sharp turns and pivots can twist and stretch the tracks, causing them to jump off their track. Gentle and methodical maneuvering can extend the life of the tracks and prevent disengagement.
The way an excavator is operated impacts the tracks’ integrity. Sharp turns and pivots can twist and stretch the tracks, causing them to jump off their track. Gentle and methodical maneuvering can extend the life of the tracks and prevent disengagement.
Maintenance Schedule:
Regular maintenance cannot be undervalued. Ensuring that all components are in good condition and functioning correctly can prevent unexpected disengagements of the track. This is akin to routine health check-ups to prevent unforeseen illnesses.
Regular maintenance cannot be undervalued. Ensuring that all components are in good condition and functioning correctly can prevent unexpected disengagements of the track. This is akin to routine health check-ups to prevent unforeseen illnesses.
In essence, keeping excavator tracks engaged is about maintaining balance in tension, ensuring the wear and tear are managed, keeping the undercarriage clean, operating the machine with care, and adhering to a strict maintenance regimen. By paying attention to these factors, the life of rubber tracks can be maximized, and costly downtime can be minimized.
Fulian Operation Team