track wear

can worn sprockets damage the tracks of a mini excavator

Can worn sprockets damage the tracks of a mini excavator?

Can worn sprockets damage the tracks of a mini excavator? The answer is a resounding “Yes!” Worn sprockets and tracks have a relationship that can quickly turn sour if one gets neglected. Let’s explore this with a touch of humor and a serious dose of expertise from Fulian Machinery. Picture your mini excavator’s sprockets and …

Can worn sprockets damage the tracks of a mini excavator? Read More »

1.what are the functions of rollers in a mini excavator's undercarriage

What are the functions of rollers in a mini excavator’s undercarriage?

When it comes to a mini excavator’s undercarriage, rollers might not always get the spotlight, but trust me, they deserve a standing ovation. These little heroes work behind the scenes to ensure that your machine stays stable, moves efficiently, and lasts longer—without them, your excavator would be like a car without tires. Not very functional, …

What are the functions of rollers in a mini excavator’s undercarriage? Read More »

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